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2023, July 12: AI by and for the user, panel discussion with Amy Sample Ward, Fellow of the Robert Bosch Academy and CEO of NTEN, and Udbhav Tiwari, Head of Global Product Policy at Mozilla, at AI Campus Berlin 

2023, June 29: The AI Act and the role of AI governance for innovators, panel discussion at AI.summit 2023 by AI.HAMBURG with Georg Ringe, Kirsten Rulf, Julia Reinhardt, Felix Broßmann, Janis Kesten-Kühne, moderated by David Patrician


2023, March 20: "Monday on the Couch: Responsible and Trustworthy AI - Interpretations for Society", panel with Alexander von Janowski and Raphael Leuner, moderated by Gaurav Sharma

2023, January 26: "KI und Gesellschaft", presentation to Chefrunde - the media executive circle, at AI Campus Berlin (pdf written text)

2022, August 31: “KI-Governance – von Prinzipien in die Praxiskeynote at Woche 2022

2022, February 10: "EU AI Act: Policymakers and Policytakers Perspectives", presentation and talk with Affiliates of The Future Society (pdf presentation)








2021, September 15: 2nd AI Policy Conference hosted by RegHorizon and ETH Zurich, panel on "How can SMEs and startups prepare for AI technologies, innovate responsibly, and engage in policy dialogue?" with Eva Kaili, Anand Rao, Mislav Malenica, Niniane Paeffgen, Alexander Ilic, moderated by Shalini Trefzer

2021, August 5: Voices of the Data Economy podcast "What AI Regulation means for Silicon Valley: Julia Reinhardt, Privacy and AI Governance Professional, on data policy, GDPR and its impacts on SMEs", hosted by Diksha Dutta for Ocean Protocol

2021, September 15: 2nd AI Policy Conference hosted by RegHorizon and ETH Zurich, panel on "How can SMEs and startups prepare for AI technologies, innovate responsibly, and engage in policy dialogue?" with Eva Kaili, Anand Rao, Mislav Malenica, Antonija Burčul, Niniane Paeffgen,

Alexander Ilic, moderated by Shalini Trefzer

2021, August 5: Voices of the Data Economy podcast "What AI Regulation means for Silicon Valley: Julia Reinhardt, Privacy and AI Governance Professional, on data policy, GDPR and its impacts on SMEs", hosted by Diksha Dutta for Ocean Protocol

2021, May 25: Mozilla Dialogues & Debates "Big Tech and Germany's Election", moderated by Julie Owono, with Felix Kartte, Julia Reinhardt, Amber Sinha

2021, May 25: Software Development SDTimes podcast "What the Dev?" about "The EU's proposed AI regulation and what that means for US businesses"

2021, April 28: Women Leading in AI, discussion with Ivana Bartoletti, Joanna Bryson and Mark Coeckelbergh about the EU regulatory proposal on Artificial Intelligence


2021, March 31: "A Non-EU Perspective on European Regulation", DataTalks Podcast moderated by Esther Huyer, European Data Portal 

2021, March 25: "Guardrails on AI: The Policies We Need", presentation and discussion at EmTech Digital, MIT Technology Review's annual event on artificial intelligence (featured in Forbes and Silicon Angle)













2021, March 19: Are You a Robot? Podcast, moderated by Demetrios Brinkmann

2021, March 15: "Will new European AI regulation have GDPR-like impact worldwide?", discussion at Mozilla Festival 2021, with co-panelists Nicolas Miailhe, Founder and President at the Future Society, and Ivana Bartoletti, Technical Director Privacy at Deloitte, moderated by Branka Panic, AIforPeace

2021, January 28: "What You Should Know This Data Privacy Day", Interview for Mozilla Foundation blog

2020, September 28: Interview mit Sven Oswald zu "Künstliche Dummheit oder Künstliche Intelligenz", re:publica Netzfest Berlin (time stamp 0:52:50 to 1:29:00)










2020, September 25: "European Regulatory Trends for AI", Keynote at the IEEE Region 8 (Europe, Middle East, Africa) Virtual SYP Congress

2020, August 6-9: DEFCON Safe Mode, "European regulatory trends for Artificial Intelligence: same impact on US as GDPR?"(time stamp 0:35:38 to 1:08:00) (pdf presentation)


2019, September 21: All Tech is Human conference in San Francisco, Panel on Tech and Policy, with Congressman Jerry McNerney, Bulbul Gupta, moderated by Renee Farris


2019, August 8-11: DEFCON, Las Vegas, as Women in Security and Privacy (WISP) scholar


2019, June 20: Business Initiative Smart Living (German company representatives in the Smart Home, energy and insurance sector), San Francisco, on Data Protection and Silicon Valley Strategies in the Smart Home sector

(pdf presentation)


2019, May 27: German Valley Week by German Startup Association, San Francisco, Presentation and Q&A on Data Protection: Silicon Valley Challenges and Strategies

(pdf presentation)














2017, November 21: Maximizing the Opportunities of Emerging Technologies through Agile Governance, World Economic Forum, Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, San Francisco (pdf presentation)


2021, May 25: Software Development SDTimes podcast "What the Dev?" about "The EU's proposed AI regulation and what that means for US businesses"

2021, April 28: Women Leading in AI, discussion with Ivana Bartoletti, Joanna Bryson and Mark Coeckelbergh about the EU regulatory proposal on Artificial Intelligence

2021, March 31: "A Non-EU Perspective on European Regulation", DataTalks Podcast moderated by Esther Huyer, European Data Portal 

2021, March 25: "Guardrails on AI: The Policies We Need", presentation and discussion at EmTech Digital, MIT Technology Review's annual event on artificial intelligence (featured in Forbes and Silicon Angle)

2021, March 19: Are You a Robot? Podcast, moderated by Demetrios Brinkmann

2021, March 15: "Will new European AI regulation have GDPR-like impact worldwide?", discussion at Mozilla Festival 2021, with co-panelists Nicolas Miailhe, Founder and President at the Future Society, and Ivana Bartoletti, Technical Director Privacy at Deloitte, moderated by Branka Panic, AIforPeace

2021, January 28: "What You Should Know This Data Privacy Day", Interview for Mozilla Foundation blog

2020, September 28: Interview mit Sven Oswald zu "Künstliche Dummheit oder Künstliche Intelligenz", re:publica Netzfest Berlin (time stamp 0:52:50 to 1:29:00)

2020, September 25: "European Regulatory Trends for AI", Keynote at the IEEE Region 8 (Europe, Middle East, Africa) Virtual SYP Congress

2020, August 6-9: DEFCON Safe Mode, "European regulatory trends for Artificial Intelligence: same impact on US as GDPR?"(time stamp 0:35:38 to 1:08:00) (pdf presentation)

2019, September 21: All Tech is Human conference in San Francisco, Panel on Tech and Policy, with Congressman Jerry McNerney, Bulbul Gupta, moderated by Renee Farris

2019, August 8-11: DEFCON, Las Vegas, as Women in Security and Privacy (WISP) scholar

2019, June 20: Business Initiative Smart Living (German company representatives in the Smart Home, energy and insurance sector), San Francisco, on Data Protection and Silicon Valley Strategies in the Smart Home sector

(pdf presentation)

image 20190527-German Valley Week.jpg

2019, May 27: German Valley Week by German Startup Association, San Francisco, Presentation and Q&A on Data Protection: Silicon Valley Challenges and Strategies

(pdf presentation)

2017, November 21: Maximizing the Opportunities of Emerging Technologies through Agile Governance, World Economic Forum, Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, San Francisco (pdf presentation)


2020, December 11: "Decision 2020 - Was ändert sich, was bleibt, und wie steht es um die amerikanische Demokratie?" moderated discussion with Prof. Karl Kaiser, Weatherhead Center, Harvard University

2019, October 27-30: Charter of Fundamental Digital Rights, ZEIT Foundation, organization and public relation outreach for a series of panel discussions featuring leading US and German experts on digital rights and policy (including Rebecca MacKinnon, Lenny Mendonca, Jeanette Hofmann, Malte Spitz, Heinrich Wefing, Christoph Keese) at Transatlantic Sync Conference, Mountain View, HanaHaus (Palo Alto) and Manny’s (San Francisco) (radio interview and press article)

2019, October 29-30: Charter of Fundamental Digital Rights, ZEIT Foundation, organization of roundtables with signatories of the Charter and leading digital rights advocates of Electronic Frontier Foundation, ACLU, Mozilla, and background discussion with US based privacy lawyer Lothar Determann

Privacy event with MEP Schaake - March 5

2019, March 5: The European Union, Silicon Valley and global markets: a battle between privacy and ethics or protectionism in disguise? moderation of the discussion with MdEP Marietje Schaake, together with Mark Seifert, Partner at Brunswick and Co-Chair of their Cybersecurity and Privacy Practice, in San Francisco (pdf report)

2018, September 11: European Innovation Day by Mind the Bridge, Workshop “GDPR and Beyond”, moderated together with Mark Webber, Managing Partner US, Fieldfisher, panel with Sorin Moisa, MdEP, Peteris Zilgalvis, European Commission, Stephanie Hanson, OneTrust  

2018, September 11: European Innovation Day by Mind the Bridge, organized panel discussion “GDPR is on, now what? Top 10 Predictions for the GDPR Era” with Mark Webber, Managing Partner US, Fieldfisher, and Stephanie Hanson, OneTrust


2023, May 23: Können wir Künstlicher Intelligenz vertrauen, Frau Reinhardt? in AufRuhr.

2023, January 3: Jahresausblick 2023, Künstliche Intelligenz: das Werkzeug der Zukunft, in AufRuhr.

2022, December: Why AI Regulation can foster innovation, with Maarten Stolk, CEO of Deeploy

2022, May 30: quoted in Matthias Hohensee: "Regulierung im Valley: Warum die EU ausgerechnet ein Büro in San Francisco eröffnet", WirtschaftsWoche

2021, October: Opaque and Overstretched: How platforms failed to curb disinformation during the German 2021 election. Mozilla Foundation Blog

2021, September 14: Soziale Medien und die Bundestagswahlen: ein Zwischenstand. Mozilla Foundation Blog

2021, June 11: The EU's New Draft AI Law Explained. Mozilla Foundation Blog, with Maximilian Gahntz

2019, March 5: The European Union, Silicon Valley and global markets: a battle between privacy and ethics or protectionism in disguise? moderation of the discussion with MdEP Marietje Schaake, together with Mark Seifert, Partner at Brunswick and Co-Chair of their Cybersecurity and Privacy Practice, in San Francisco (pdf report)

2018, September 11: European Innovation Day by Mind the Bridge, Workshop “GDPR and Beyond”, moderated together with Mark Webber, Managing Partner US, Fieldfisher, panel with Sorin Moisa, MdEP, Peteris Zilgalvis, European Commission, Stephanie Hanson, OneTrust (pdf report)

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